powered by 'OmniComm Solutions'
Website Hosting Accounts

Best Hosting Services

The shared website hosting companies undoubtedly differ from each other. Albeit having been in the shared web hosting marketplace for years, not many web hosting package deliverers ensure multiple datacenter location choices for their loyal clientele. In spite of its mini size, 'OmniComm Solutions' provides FOUR exciting datacenter facility locations: the United States, the UK, Sweden and Australia. You can host domain name-only user accounts or shared web hosting accounts in any of the abovementioned data center facilities. The more advanced semi-dedicated servers and dedicated server hosting can be ordered only in the United States datacenter.

Plan Features Hosting Semi-Dedicated Dedicated Hosting
Cost Per Month
Web Space Unlimited Unlimited 240 GB
Internet Traffic Unlimited Unlimited 10 TB
Server CPU Limit 5% 100% 100%
Dedicated RAM N/A N/A 16 GB
MySQL DBs 5 Unlimited Unlimited
Hosted Hostnames 1 Unlimited Unlimited
FTP Accounts Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Mail Addresses 100 Unlimited Unlimited
Root Access
SSH Optional
Single-click Script Installation Tool 2
Hepsia Control Panel
cPanel Control Panel

Server CPU Limit 1 - The CPU resource share is determined by the respective VPS server web hosting plan.

Single-click Script Installation Tool 2 - Accessible only with the Hepsia Control Panel.